Blogging once a year will not cut it so lets fix that. Sharing how I built this site and why!
Migrations feature in EF Core provides a way to incrementally update the database schema
Classless CSS Frameworks are great for quick project demos or prototyping when you have to have to get html out there quickly for clients or your side projects.
c# code to check if a directory exists and if it does not then go ahead and create it
Recommendation for programming music, i.e. coding music or music to listen to while you're in "flow".
I love to use the Dapper ORM from the folks at StackOverflow and it's nice to have quick reference that I can fall back on with a quick example that shows how to create a model, interface and repository.
In response to a question on asking about alternative services or web analytics so I guess that he's thinking about moving away from Google Analytics.
I'm using a Mac and I play around with Yeoman quite a bit. I'd like to delete a Yeoman generator and for some reason there's not a quick and easy step by step out there so here's what I found.
If you want to uppercase a passed in word using c#, this is a method I found and use it in my helpers classes.
I often like to start new sites with a mock up that is strictly html. I get html templates from sites like Theme Forest so they are already designed for me.
If you're like me, you like to create templates out of your Visual Studio 2017 code so you can just use those templates as your base for starting all new projects.